Writing Tools & Resources

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If you’re serious about writing, you need the following tools:

ProWritingAid Grammar Checker: Paste your text right in the box to find and correct embarrassing errors.

ProWritingAid Desktop App: ProWriting Aid is an editing tool meant to make editing easier and faster for all types of writers. One of the program’s features is a powerful grammar editor. The software also includes style suggestions to help address issues like repetitiveness, varying sentence length, passive voice, vague wording, and overdependence on adverbs. Both the premium and premium-plus versions integrate well with a variety of writing platforms such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Scrivener.

Google Docs + Research Tool: Streamline your research when writing an article or blog post in Google Docs. Simply head to Tools>Research and type your topic. From there when you hover over a link you can Preview, Insert Link, or Cite that article. Heads up: if you click on it, it will open another tab.

Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator: Even the best writers run into blocks sometimes. Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator can help you when it feels impossible to come up with new content.

Todoist: The best writers are able to organize and prioritize their work. Todoist is a task management application that helps you create to-do lists and custom schedules so you can work more effectively.

Power Thesaurus: The Power Thesaurus helps inject more life into our sentences. It’s straight-forward, crowdsourced and user-friendly.